Home SALADS Garden Garden$8.75 Garden salad with lettuce, tomato, peppers, onions, cucumber, and hard-boiled egg. ADD Extra Dressing (+$0.79) Chicken (+$4.99) Gyro (+$4.99) Steak (+$8.00) Product price: $8.75 Total options: Order total: Garden quantity Add to cart Related products Chicken Caesar $11.25 Classic Caesar salad with chicken, romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, Parmesan cheese, and croutons. Add to cart Side Greek Salad $7.65 Small Greek salad, perfect as a side with feta and olives. Add to cart Greek $10.95 Fresh Greek salad with lettuce, tomato, peppers, onions, cucumber, feta, and olives. Add to cart Small Side $6.25 Light salad with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, perfect as a side. Add to cart